This is a story of professional betrayal. I hope it opens your eyes. It certainly did mine.
The Road Back: The Books (And Other Resources) That Will Help Me Nail 2018
This is a post about a bunch of useful books, and how I’m using them this year.
Some Weird Advice For New Bloggers (As I Launch My Next Weird Thing)
So, I’m launching a brand new thing – and I want to talk about why new bloggers launching things is really important, and why I’d love to see much more of it. But first – the thing.
How To Sleep Outside Without Being Murdered Or Laughed At
I’m going to presume that you know what a bivvy bag is and why it’s so fun to use. If you don’t, click that link in the previous sentence. Thanks.
How To Assemble Your Universe: Lessons From Marvel & Moment Catchers
“I’m not always able to choose my battles… but effective immediately, I’m going to make an effort to choose the battles that matter.” – Captain America
Your Choice
‘In the Industrial Age, Thomas Edison famously said, “I find out what the world needs. Then I go ahead and try to invent.” In the Internet Age, more and more companies live by the mantra “create an obsession, then exploit it.”‘ – Bill Davidow, The Atlantic. Hi! Thanks for reading this massively unscheduled interruption in your day. I bet it’s … Read More
A Mile A Day #18: How Gratitude Makes Your Walk Better
“Gracias!” I’ve been in Costa Rica for three months, and I still can’t speak Spanish.
Stop Breaking Your Stories With This Simple Mistake
Picture this for a second. You’re on Mars – and you’re almost certainly going to die.