Into the last part of Breaking The Ice we go – and on the menu we have a rich dessert of prejudice, xenophobia, narcissism and self-importance. (Yum).
What To Do In Cyprus? 10 Ways It Surprises (And Shocks)
What to do in Cyprus? Why is it anything special? Just another sunkissed Mediterranean island, you say?
Breaking The Ice With Strangers: Line
Breaking the ice with strangers as you travel. We’re midway into my ten ways to break the ice with strangers when you’re travelling – and now it’s time to play the fool.
Breaking The Ice With Strangers: Hook
Breaking the ice with strangers as you travel. The road is a lonely place. Everyone’s a stranger. You long to connect with someone, anyone, but the odds are stacked against you. You’re in too much of a hurry to engage in social bonding rituals like feasting and hanging out. There’s the natural coolness in the air. And hey, you’re not … Read More
Go Home Again: 4 Ways To Love Where You Are
One of the best points of any journey? The second day back home. It’s like this. Being wise, you’ve taken an extra three or four days off work for a post-holiday holiday, just enough time to battle jet-lag and sort through the mail. The first day is all about sleeping – and on the second day, in the same exhausted, … Read More
The Mystery of Lighthouse Corner
“Lighthouse Corner? Aaaaaahrr.” This was the response I’d been hoping for. From deep within a creased, twinkly-eyed, wind-ruddied face looking like an elephant wearing blusher, the wheezing voice continued. “Hoos. Lighthoos. Road, blarg, garb oot crossflarp. FLARP”. Now, I’m part Scottish. You’d think I’d have a smattering of understanding at a genetic level about how to translate accents like this … Read More
Orkney: What Do You Do?
What can you actually do in Orkney? No, forget the sightseeing. Forget the daytrips, the beach walks, the clambering up sea-stacks to watch intrepid archaeologists braving the elements while hugging filthy mugs of tea (more on that topic another time). Forget visiting. We’re talking living up there. I know of a number of people who are intending to move up … Read More
Cheap British Train Tickets: Here’s Why You Need To Plan Ahead
Planning to get cheap British train tickets by just turning up on the day and winging it? THAT WOULD BE INSANE – and here’s why.