Here are some interesting things about the word “denial”, regarding travel. 1. Denial is not a river in Egypt. (Ask this chap, if you don’t believe me). It’s spelled differently. This is why puns are all contemptible: they’re all about perverting our language to fit humour. Well, not in this blog.
How Not To Pitch A Travel Book
*door opens* Hi. You’re the editor? You deal with signing up bold new writers? Yeah, my name’s Mike, I’ve come to discuss some of my ideas with you.
Breaking The Ice With Strangers: Sinker
Into the last part of Breaking The Ice we go – and on the menu we have a rich dessert of prejudice, xenophobia, narcissism and self-importance. (Yum).
Thanks for Failing, Doctor Beeching
The bend widens out, and before me lies a toy train platform, built lifesized. I crunch up, moving from a path of gravel ballast onto sloping wooden planking. Before and behind me, the rails curve lazily away through the narrow valley, high escarpments on either side pressing inwards and making a sweaty day even closer. Barring the steel lines set … Read More
The Unholy Trinity Of Bad Internet Lists
(After my Twitter rant of last week, I needed a walk on the North York Moors to chill out. This I did. Did it work? Well, I’m now ranting about something else. I think this shows Progress.) So, you want your post to get lots of page-hits? Want traffic roaring like a scene from Days of Thunder? (Apologies for choice … Read More
Yorkshire Puddings: Britain’s Most Fragile Crop
If you’ve ever sat down to a proper English Sunday roast, you’ll be acquainted with one of Yorkshire‘s greatest cultural gifts to the world, the Yorkshire Pudding. I’ve always loved them – delicious and visually arresting, not to mention a great place to store excess gravy (and hey, who doesn’t want excess gravy?). But what exactly are they – and … Read More
When To Keep Going
How far would you get if you just kept going?
Breaking The Ice With Strangers: Line
Breaking the ice with strangers as you travel. We’re midway into my ten ways to break the ice with strangers when you’re travelling – and now it’s time to play the fool.