Megabus: No-Budget UK Travel (If You’re Tough Enough)

MikeachimThe Everyday5 Comments

…u to sort your flight options by “agony” – the duration and the stop-overs combining to fray your sanity and numb your posterior. It’s this principle that needs to be uppermost in your mind when using Megabus. By Trainline-booked train, your £22 journey will last a little over 2 hours. By using Megabus, that journey is double the duration – in fact, coming back from London last night took a total of 5.5 hours. How much agony are you willing to put…

You’re Bored? That’s So AWESOME.

MikeachimResources212 Comments

…ecommend them for starters). Or you signed up for a free site at Piece of cake, the community is amazing, the editorial team give incredible support for new writers, and it’s a terrific way to learn the basics until you’re ready to self-host. Maybe you tried my course… …although just throwing yourself into your blog is an equally valid way to learn. If you preferred going your own way, you might have checked out everything this guy…

One Year Later, Am I Living The Dream?

MikeachimStorytelling, Travel, Writing30 Comments

…a corner of my parental home as a base while I build up repeat work and income. When I quit, I had a single major source of freelance income to rely upon. Four months in, that site went under (it has since changed hands and resurfaced with a new team). I’ve had one-off gigs that paid excellently, and other promising ventures that never worked out. I did a trial period with the gifted editorial team – sadly, that was one of the thing…

5 Ways To Find Good Travel Stories

MikeachimStorytelling, Travel17 Comments

…f you’re in search of a good story, the best place to look is outside your comfort zone. The reason for this is partly your reaction to discomfort and fear. Your heart rate increases. Your pupils dilate. Your respiration level goes up. Other, less pleasant things threaten to happen if you don’t keep a lid on them. In summary: you are dragged, sweating and trembling, into the present. You are aware like never before. (My favourite way of putting my…


…w of. I’ve been a staff writer on digital magazines. I’ve written for tour companies, for newspapers and for a major credit card company – while I was up to my eyeballs in credit card debt, ironically enough. I’ve (unsuccessfully) interned at, and have spoken at travel conferences in Europe and Canada, where the audience laughed at me each time. Hopefully that was a good sign. I’ve done a lot of things, many of them not entirely unsu…